The Gillespie County Soil and Water Conservation District
would like to recognize Security State Bank as the
Friend of Conservation award recipient.
The Gillespie County Soil and Water Conservation District would like to recognize Security State Bank & Trust as Friend of Conservation.
Security State Bank was born in the heart of Fredericksburg, Texas and still resides in the former Buckhorn Saloon building. In 1941 a group of local businessmen saw a need for a new bank to better serve the community’s needs. On April 12, Security State Bank officially opened for business. The white-tailed deer was used as the bank’s logo as a salute to the simple beginnings. The bank now has branches serving 17 Hill Country communities stemming from their deep roots in Fredericksburg.
Conservation education is a major part of the District’s program. Each March, the District sponsors a poster and essay contest which is open to students of various ages residing in the District. Security State Bank & Trust provides a gift card to each poster and essay winner and has done this for the last 15 years. By sponsoring these contests, the district hopes the young people will understand the importance of conserving natural resources.
Beef & Range Field Day is one of the SWCD’s main fund raisers. Security State Bank & Trust has supported the Gillespie Soil & Water Conservation at the annual Beef & Range Field Day for many years.
The banks staff volunteer to sign in participants at the Field Day and provide water for all participants. Their generous support helps to make a successful Field Day.
SSB&T is very supportive in all youth activities in the community.
SSB&T is and has been an Anchor Level sponsor of the FISD jumbotron since its inception.
As Anchor sponsor, they volunteer to work the FHS football concession stands each year.
They also sponsor a financial literacy program where students can take courses online to expand their knowledge in banking and finance.
SSB&T also support Doss, Heritage, and St. Mary’s schools by donating to their fundraising efforts.
They employ local high school and college students each Summer.
They are also working to build and internship program and hope to employ a student through this program in 2024.
SSB&T supports the local farmers and ranchers through their programs, which include farm and ranch loans, to include livestock, crops, & farm equipment. They have recently expanded their Farm & Ranch Real Estate Lending Division.
For the City of Fredericksburg, the bank sponsors the annual countdown to the New Year; The Food and Wine Fest; Octoberfest; The Fredericksburg Chamber by participating in Gillespie County Leadership, Parades, and sponsor and host Fun After 5 Events.
They support the surrounding Fire Departments.
They contribute Matching Fund Donations to the Boys and Girls Club.
They also support the Golden Hub’s Feed a Senior in need, the Grace Center, Stonewall Chamber and Peach Jamboree and numerous other entities.
Other ways the bank supports the local agriculture heritage is by financial support for the Gillespie County Fair and Festival Association: race sponsorship, scholarship fest, the local livestock shows and Gillespie County 4-H programs.
They also contribute to the Gillespie County Wild Game Dinner, that raises funds for scholarships for local youth pursing agriculture careers.
The Gillespie County Soil and Water Conservation is proud to recognize The Security State Bank & Trust as Friend of Conservation.